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After School Activities

ASA (After-School Activities)

DBS – ASA (After-School Activities) offers a comprehensive range of engaging programs designed to nurture and develop students’ diverse talents and interests. The Sport offerings encourage students to participate in various athletic activities, promoting physical fitness and teamwork. Creative Performing Arts encompass a wide range of artistic ASA Centre disciplines, allowing students to explore their creativity through music, drama, dance, and visual arts. The STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) initiatives foster innovation, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills through hands-on projects and experiential learning. Global Citizenship programs cultivate an understanding of different cultures, promoting empathy, and instilling a sense of social responsibility. Lastly, the Student Enrichment offerings provide additional opportunities for students to further enhance their academic skills and personal development. Together, these core offerings create a vibrant and well-rounded learning environment, empowering students to thrive academically, creatively, and socially.