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If students need to come to school in the early morning, what is the earliest time they can arrive and who’ll take the responsibility to take care of them?

We allow students to enter school from 7.30a.m. If they arrive early, they must wait in the car with their parents.

Could students bring their breakfast to eat at school before the class starts and where can they eat?

Students can eat their breakfast in the Dining Hall.

Which items can students bring to school?

We allow only school supplies, and we do not allow students to bring any valuable items to school.

As some students might bring disallowed items to school, does the school search the student's bag or not?

If a teacher or staff receives a report, staff might ask to check the student’s bag.

What does insurance cover?

The insurance covers only accidents at the school. If you would like to get more information, please contact the Parent Relations Department.

If parents forget their lanyards, what should they do?

Parents must show the ID card at turnstiles A or B. If you did not bring your ID card, please contact the reception desk.

Are students allowed to wear accessories, such as rings, necklaces, Buddhist amulets?

No, students are not allowed to wear accessories. In the case of a Buddhist amulet, this must be approved on a case by case basis as it might be dangerous for young students.

How to use the Parent Portal and how to access the system?

Please kindly click this link to see a how-to video []

If parents would like to contact or make an appointment with a teacher, what should they do?

If parents would like to talk with a teacher or have any concerns, please contact the Parent Relations team.

Does the school have any activities for students at lunchtime?

We have a lunch club and use of the playground for students.

How many books can students borrow from the library?

MD-EY : 1 book
Y1-Y2 : 2 books
Y3 – Y5 : 3 books + 1 Accelerated Reader book
Y6 – Y8 : 4 books + 1 Accelerated Reader book
Y9 – Y10 : 5 books + Accelerated Reader book

How long is the loan period?

The loan period is currently 2 weeks (14 school days) for all students.

How can parents find the current or upcoming activities in the school?

Parents can use the DBS Newsletter every Friday by email, the calendar on the school website or the notice board at school.

If parents would like to pick up their child early, what should they do?

Please inform the Parent Relations team and pick up your children at the reception area.

If parents want to know the course syllabus, where can they find it?

On the Parent Portal.

If parents forgot the password of the Parent Portal, what should they do?

You should click ‘forgot password’, and the system will send your new password to your email.

If parents would like to watch CCTV, how can they do it?

The school does not allow parents to view CCTV footage.

If parents have any concerns, who they can contact in school?

Class Teacher/ Mrs Berry / Mrs McVeigh / Mr Higgins.

If students lose their items, where can they find them?

Please come to check at the Lost and Found area at turnstile B.

After finishing class, can students visit DBS café in the evening?

No, students can only visit the DBS café with their parents.

If your child is sick and unable to attend school or has some important reason, what should you do?

Please notify the school by calling the Parent Relations team or sending an email to

Could students be able to bring their mobile phones to school?

Students are not allowed to use their mobile phone during the school day.

If students get into a fight, who’ll take care of this situation?

Initially, the Class Teacher or Section Head.

If parents arrive late to school, where they can pick up their children?

At the reception area

Can students bring their lunches to school?

Yes in some circumstances, but parents have to tell the teacher, School Nurse and Food House team

If parents need to talk with their children’s teacher, what should they do?

Please contact the class teacher, Form Tutor or Head of Department.

If some students want to change their Co-curricular activity (CCA program), is it possible to change it?

It needs to be considered case by case, so please contact Mr Higgins

Do Y13 students drive to school or not?

No, students are not allowed to drive.

If EY 2 students need a daytime nap, do we allow for it?

Only students in Mini Dragons and EY1 have naps.

If students need to take medicine, who will take care of them?

The school nurses will take care of students.

When can students read and write in Thai?

It depends on the child’s development, but the school will play a key role to support the child’s development.

What is the Den?

The Den is an after school activity class for EY1 to Year 2 students when parents need to be late to pick them up after school.

Do parents have to send their children to The Den?

No, but if parents come to pick up their children more than 15 minutes late, your children will be in The Den and you will be charged a fee for this.

Who runs The Den?

Learning assistants will teach some activities and take care of your children.

If parents who are never late to pick up their child, have an emergency that makes it impossible to pick up their child on time, will their child go to The Den?

This needs to be considered on a case by case basis.

What is Seesaw and how to use it?

Seesaw is an online classroom application that makes students excited to learn. The teacher will send the QR code to parents and they have to scan it to login to the system.

What is the E2P?

E2P is the system that parents can see the school-record of their children.

Do we use the E2P system for all students?

No, we use the E2P system for Mini Dragons to Year 4 students