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Eco School


Welcome to the Eco-Schools section of our website! At DBS, we are committed to promoting environmental sustainability and educating our community about the importance of protecting the planet. Our school is proud to be a part of the Eco-Schools programme, which encourages schools to take action on environmental issues and make a difference in their local communities. Through this programme, we are taking steps to reduce our impact on the environment, including reducing food waste, energy consumption, and paper usage, as well as educating our students about environmental issues and encouraging community engagement. Here, you will find information about our Eco-Schools initiatives, upcoming events, and ways to get involved. Together, we can make a positive impact on the environment and pave the way for a more sustainable future.

Credit: WWFMy


Meet the student-led Eco Committee at DBS! Our Eco Warriors are made up of a dedicated group of students who are passionate about environmental sustainability and are committed to making a difference in our school and community. The committee is responsible for leading and organising our Eco-Schools initiatives.They also work to educate their peers and the school community about environmental issues and the importance of conservation. The students on the Eco Committee are committed to making a positive impact on the environment, and are dedicated to creating a more sustainable future for all. They are the driving force behind our school’s Eco-Schools initiatives and we are proud of their leadership and dedication.


Meet Our New Eco Warriors for the Academic Year! 🌿

This year, our eco team has doubled in size, and we’re excited to introduce our passionate new members who are eager to make a positive impact on our environment.”

On Monday 30th October Mr Dunphy led the Senior Sustainability Assembly and shared information about the efforts of our Eco warriors and encouraged more students to get involved.


The Eco Committee at DBS has been working tirelessly to finalise the school’s Eco-Schools Action Plan. The plan outlines the specific steps that the school will take to meet the requirements of the Eco-Schools program and become a recognized Eco-School. The committee, made up of dedicated students who are passionate about environmental sustainability, has been working on the plan for several months, and it is finally ready to be shared with the school community.

The Action Plan includes goals such as reducing food waste by 20% by the end of the academic year, reducing energy consumption by 15% by the end of the academic year and reducing the use of paper at our school by 10% within the next two years. The committee has also planned an eco-conference during STEAM week that will include interactive workshops, guest speakers and an exhibition of student work.

The committee members were excited to present their plan to the school community and gather feedback. They believe that the plan will not only make a positive impact on the environment but also provide valuable learning experiences for the students.

The finished document can be found on the school website at this button. We encourage everyone to take a look and provide feedback. The committee is committed to making the plan a success and is looking forward to working together with the school community to make it happen.


Celebrating the incredible talent and dedication of our students alongside our inspiring guest speakers at EcoConference 2024! From thought-provoking speeches by Libby, Matoom, Earth, and Ethan to captivating performances, our students showcased their passion for environmental conservation and sustainability.

Special thanks to our guest speakers Dr. Ann from Mae Fah Luang Foundation, Khun Jam from Love Wildlife Foundation, Dr. Boripat, and Mr. Rungroj from the Dugong Project, Tim Appleton for his insightful interview about bird conservation, and Dr Boonchanit from the World Wildlife Foundation for her keynote speech about plastic cities.

Let’s also recognize our student-led initiatives like Opal’s Dugong charity which raised over 70,000 baht and the innovative business proposal by our Diamond Challenge students which aims to solve our food waste problem. Together, we’re creating a brighter, greener future! 

News and Events 

Welcome to the News and Updates section of our Eco-Schools page! Here, you will find the latest news and information about our environmental initiatives and events. Keep up-to-date on the progress of our food waste reduction, energy conservation, and paper conservation efforts, as well as upcoming events and opportunities to get involved in our Eco-Schools initiatives. We believe that keeping our community informed and engaged is essential to the success of our Eco-Schools program and the protection of our planet. Thank you for your interest and support as we work towards creating a more sustainable future for all.

Introducing the DBS Eco Code – a unique and fun way for our students to promote environmental awareness and inspire positive action! Our Senior Eco Warriors went the extra mile by creating and performing an original Eco Rap during the DBS Eco Conference. Click the button to watch the music video.

Powering up our sustainability efforts! As part of our Eco School Action Plan, we’re proud to announce the expansion of our solar panel capacity from 60 kw to 210 kw. Renewable energy now makes up 15% of our energy consumption, we are committed to increasing our capacity over time. Join us in our journey towards a more sustainable future!

Denla British School introduces a new Litter Policy to maintain a clean and safe environment for everyone. Our policy prohibits littering on school grounds and encourages proper waste disposal in designated bins. Students will also be taught about the importance of keeping the school clean and the impact of litter on the environment during class. The school will promote the use of reusable water bottles and food containers, and encourage digital communication to reduce paper usage. To ensure the policy’s effectiveness, the school will occasionally organise litter pick-up campaigns and community service activities. The school will also collaborate with local authorities and organisations to raise awareness of the importance of keeping the environment clean. By working together, we can make a positive impact on reducing litter and preserving our planet for future generations. Please read our full Litter Policy for more information.

DBS Eco Warriors conducted an Environmental Review to assess our school’s sustainability practices and identify areas for improvement. Using the review, we have developed an action plan to make our school more environmentally friendly. Our review aligns with the WWF Eco-Schools framework, which guides schools towards sustainable practices. Check out our Environmental Review and learn about our sustainability journey.