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Prep School (Year 3 to Year 8 )


About Prep School

Students join the Prep School in Year 3 where they make exciting steps to become more independent and further develop their confidence and engagement in learning. As students progress through the Prep School they move through our three distinct phases of nurture, grow and extend.


Year 3 and 4 is our nurture phase. In this section of the school, children embrace strong routines and a new structure which requires greater independence but still feels familiar and secure, led carefully by their class teacher and class learning assistant. In this phase we nurture confidence both in the classroom and beyond as the children are given many opportunities so try new activities and go on their first residential trip. We teach the children about the importance of hard work and effort in all areas of school life. They learn that asking questions and making mistakes is a valuable part of the learning process that will help them to succeed.  

Year 5 and 6 is our grow phase. Here students experience new levels of independence and responsibility. They are still carefully looked after by class teachers and learning assistants but they will begin to access a greater amount of specialist teaching to enable further growth – of their knowledge, values and skills.

The students develop excellent knowledge and skills in a class environment with primary specialist teachers in English and Maths. They embrace the passion and expertise of specialist teaching and facilities in other areas of the curriculum, such as Science, Drama and Art. This further inspires our young learners and ensures that their horizons are broadened.

When they reach Year 7 and 8 our students are excited and ready for the extend phase. Two key features of Y 7 and 8 are leadership opportunities, and a full specialist curriculum in our outstanding facilities in the D4 and D5 buildings. Students mature and take further ownership of their work, progress and success.

Prep School is a crucial time where children develop their mindset for learning. We work hard to ensure that our children understand that a positive approach to the learning process will help them to become curious and passionate learners for life. Always seeking to improve, and in the words of our school motto – always to greater things.