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Music Scholarship

Music Scholaship 

A Music scholarship at DBS celebrates exceptional talent and dedication to the field of music, enriching the cultural fabric of our school. These scholarships fall under the category of Enhanced British Curriculum Scholarships, which are awarded to students who have made remarkable contributions to the DBS community or have gained notable recognition in specific areas such as sports, arts, or music. These scholarships primarily serve as an honorary recognition of the student’s exceptional achievements and contributions.

Music scholarships are awarded at the school’s discretion and are at the sole discretion of the scholarships committee. Scholarships are not automatically awarded and must be applied for.

Stage of the process:

  • 8th March 2024 : Submit Scholarship applications
  • 15th March 2024 : Announce qualified applicants
  • 29th March 2024 : Audition date
  • 5th April 2024 : Announce results

Music Scholarship Registration Form