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           Call: 02-666-1933

Class/Form/House Tutors

Our Class/Form/House Tutor’s play a crucial role in the daily pastoral care of our students. They ensure that the students’ academic, co-curricular, personal and social development is their number one focus. Our Tutors act as the first link between the students, parents and teaching staff at DBS, providing regular updates and insights into the development and growth of the individual child. Our Tutors are responsible for championing the DBS ethos by developing a caring, working relationship with each individual student in the tutor group. This will enable the students to have a sense of identity and belonging and to feel that they are valued both as an individual and as a part of the group.

The Tutors will provide regular updates and communication to parents and families and are contactable via the following platforms:
Google Classroom (Y5-10)

Class/Form/House Tutor Team 2020/21