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Mr Simon Fowler | Deputy Head

Senior Leadership Team


Simon is from the UK and grew up in the West Wales countryside. Due to his father working in the Middle East, Simon was once also an international school student before returning to join a boarding school in the UK. Simon obtained a Bachelor of Science (Hons) degree in Genetics from Cardiff University, and a Postgraduate Diploma in Education from the University of Bolton. He also has a Masters of Education in Leadership and Management from the University of Derby.

Simon has taught in SE Asia for nearly 20 years, in countries including Thailand, Taiwan and China. He was Head of Secondary at Garden International School, Bangkok, and Assistant Principal at Hurtwood House, Ningbo in China. At his two previous schools, Simon was also the Head of Science and Examinations Officer for the Cambridge, Oxford and Edexcel international exam boards.

Simon is married, and has a daughter who attends DBS.