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Welcome from Head of Pre-Prep

Denla British School is a warm, child centred community where students are happy and enthusiastic to learn. The curriculum is relevant with many memorable experiences that celebrate children’s individual talents and promote learning skills. At DBS we use the rigour of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and English National Curriculum to facilitate learning that can be applied to an international setting. This meets the needs and interests of children in a way that will ensure that they all achieve their best.

Our Early Years children enjoy the pleasure of discovery through a rich variety of learning experiences, carefully planned to develop independence and language, inspire awe and wonder, and a desire to be active learners. We promote every space as a learning space and our children enjoy both inside and outside provision, alongside an enhanced role play area for communication and language.

In Years 1 and 2, children continue their journey of discovery and enjoy making real and meaningful links to make sense of the world around them. They build on the strong foundations laid in EY to apply their skills and questions to a themed approach to learning, engaging in contexts that are real and important to them.

Through the Pre-Prep, children are encouraged to reflect on their role as learners, shaping and leading the direction of their understanding. Being able to make independent choices and ask questions are two of the skills that are key for our young inquirers. We all want academic excellence for our children. Success comes from how we apply what we understand and how we use our skills to communicate this understanding across contexts, cultures, hypothesising and investigating. Being aware of themselves as a learner equips our children with the tools to take responsibility for the next steps on their journey.

As parents and partners in your child’s learning, I hope that you are looking forward to learning alongside your child and becoming a part of our DBS family.


Tracey Skinner
Head of Pre-Prep