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Mr Ashraf Talaat – Economics and Business Studies Teacher

Meet Our Inspirational Teacher: Fostering Excellence and Global Perspectives

Growing up as the child of a diplomat, Mr Ashraf Talaat had the privilege of immersing himself in various cultures across continents. This unique upbringing not only cultivated adaptability but also a profound appreciation for diverse worldviews. Armed with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Management and a Certificate in School Management and Leadership from a prestigious institution, Mr Talaat brings a wealth of knowledge to the classroom.

With a broad educational foundation, Mr Talaat has extensive teaching experience spanning various curricula, including AP, IB, and British, up to A Level. He has been an inspiring guide in subjects such as Economics, Business Studies, and Global Perspectives. His dedication to education is rooted in his belief in the transformative power of learning and his desire to equip the next generation with the essential skills for a globalized world.

Mr Talaat’s classroom provides learning that transcends boundaries. His approach centres on creating a structured, safe, and inclusive environment where every student’s voice is valued. Cultural diversity is embraced as a means to enrich discussions and broaden horizons. Technology and collaborative learning are integrated seamlessly to foster interactivity and teamwork. He is a staunch advocate of inquiry-based learning, critical thinking, and reflection, ensuring that students absorb information and actively engage with it.

Beyond his exceptional classroom presence, Mr Talaat takes leadership in extracurricular activities. He spearheads the Wharton Global Investment Challenge, providing students with a real-world insight into finance and investment. This initiative aligns with his passion for economics and his commitment to experiential learning, allowing students to apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios. Through this initiative, students refine their analytical skills, collaborate effectively, and gain a deeper understanding of global financial markets.

Continuous professional development is a cornerstone of Mr Talaat’s teaching philosophy. He remains at the forefront of educational trends by attending workshops, conferences, and specialized training. His roles as a Senior Examiner, Team Leader, and Curriculum Developer for the IBO reflect his dedication to staying updated with global best practices. His insatiable appetite for knowledge is further evident through his regular engagement with academic literature and research.

Mr Talaat found his professional home at DBS Denla British School for a multitude of reasons. The alignment of the school’s values with his own philosophy was a pivotal factor. The emphasis on “Academic Excellence for All” and the integration of Thai Values in a Global Context resonated deeply with their beliefs. Additionally, his approach to nurturing creative thinking and entrepreneurship aligns harmoniously with the school’s vision.

The core values of humility, generosity, courage, integrity, and empathy that Mr Talaat imparts to his students are seamlessly in sync with the principles that DBS Denla British School holds dear. His dedication to fostering well-rounded global citizens is a testament to the synergy between his values and the school’s ethos.