Call: 02-666-1933
           Call: 02-666-1933

Café DBS’s Official Opening Day

Café DBS has officially opened to serve the finest brews to all DBS families! Parents and DBS staff gathered at Café DBS to taste the delicious beverages and food. At Café DBS, we serve healthy and homemade items with low salt, low sugar, zero trans-fat, and all ingredients (such as vegetables and dairy products) certified by the Department of Agriculture of Thailand. The environment is also a main concern and we encourage all café visitors to bring their own cups for beverage, or biodegradable take-away cups will be provided. Let’s enjoy and relax at Café DBS together (opens every Monday-Friday from 07.15 am – 05.30 pm, and every Saturday from 08.30 am – 03.00 pm).