Early Years Education is all about shaping the whole child, and a good investment is essential for their bright future.
Several studies have concluded that the first five years of a child’s life are the most important period. Young children are learning sponges where everything they absorb during childhood has a significant impact on their life outcomes.
– Children need to socialise with people outside their families for their overall development.
– Social interaction helps children manage their own feelings and understand others.
– By age 1-5, children need to engage in basic communication, interact with others, enjoy being in groups, develop cognitive skills etc.
– Distance Learning is another alternative tool that contributes to the development and retention of children’s social skills.
During the pandemic, it’s difficult for children to socialise. However, engaging them in Distance Learning classes provided by qualified teachers can contribute to the development and retention of their social skills. Virtually, they could see their friends, talk to their teachers who are trying their best to engage their students in fun EYFS-based activities.
– Positive school experiences foster a natural passion for learning.
– The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum provides children with enjoyable and inspiring learning activities to increase their thirst for knowledge.
– Researchers found a connection between parent involvement and their child’s academic achievement.
– Parents that understand the preschool curriculum are better equipped to support their child’s abilities.
– Parents serve as role models by demonstrating the importance of learning and education at home.
– A child’s positive experience at home and in school is enhanced by parent involvement, which extends teaching beyond the classroom.
At DBS, Holistic Education is implemented in our Early Years Education’s EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) curriculum where our young children are motivated to be curious, and to learn naturally and creatively, carefully nurtured by our EYFS teachers. Academic excellence alone cannot guarantee success and happiness in life, which is why we include holistic practices in school to support all aspects of a child’s development and learning journey.