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New teachers join DBS with the promise of continuous improvement and doing the absolute best for our students.

A warm welcome to our new teachers for the 2021-22 academic year! It is always a pleasure to welcome new members to the DBS family as the school grows and develops.

Mr Jonathan Liddell, our Principal, and the Senior Leadership Team welcomed new teachers in an online induction where the DBS vision and its 4 pillars were introduced: 1) An Enhanced British Curriculum, 2) Academic Excellence for All, 3) Entrepreneurship and Creative Thinking, and 4) Community and Global Perspectives.

Mr Liddell reaffirmed DBS’s motto, ‘Semper ad Maiora (Always to Greater Things),’ or as he referred to it during the meeting, ‘Kaizen’ – a Japanese doctrine practised by Toyota that translates as the philosophy of continuous improvement. He explained to the new teachers that at DBS, we are always striving for greater things, as well as continuous improvement and development.

Another point stressed to new teachers was when Mr Liddell explained the advantages of DBS not being a franchise school from the UK or other international schools elsewhere, but instead, DBS has implemented the UK Independent School curriculum, which allows us to be more flexible while maintaining world-class quality and standards to provide the best education in Thailand for our students.
The induction ended with a promise that we, as teachers, will do our absolute best for the children in our care.

DBS Stronger Together!