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Sixth Form Spotlight : Por Por Year13

I love being a student at DBS because…

At DBS, I have found a group of friends that are like family to me. This also gives me the feeling of getting ready to enter society outside of school. I really enjoy having A-Level options that correlate with my interests. The school values enhance my personality such as integrity and resilience and I feel that I am growing as a person.

My proudest achievement so far is…


I have had so many opportunities in the Sixth Form to step out of my comfort zone and enter unfamiliar places. On our residentials, I had the chance to develop my communication skills, meeting new people and spending time with my classmates. I have also travelled independently for the first time, which has helped me prepare for independence in the future.

I am currently working towards…

My AS and A-Level qualifications. I hope to enter university when I finish Sixth Form, and I am looking forward to graduating from DBS. After a great deal of preparation, I am pleased to be compiling my IELTS and SAT scores for my university applications. I am also working hard on my portfolio.

This year I am looking forward to…
Working towards many more achievements, and showing
myself what I am capable of!