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Space Week

Every year, Space Week is an event that takes place during 4th-10th October, around the whole world to celebrate the contributions of Science and technology in the field of Space. Our Prep students at DBS, have been completing a range of activities this week to raise their awareness of Space Week, STEM skills, and Space Careers.

Y3-4 have been completing astronaut training, including: measuring moon craters, space walking and re-creating the phases of the moon.

Y5-6’s astronaut training included a range of different physical activities to strengthen their mobility, bone and muscle strength, to complete Mission X.

Y7-8 studied Space in the news, recreating their own article and news broadcast show.

Lastly, the Y9s have been looking at how we deal with big numbers in Science and Maths on a daily basis, by using standard form to represent numbers that would otherwise take us a while to write! They have even created a beautiful display demonstrating some common distances between the Sun and the different planets using standard form.

On Thursday we were lucky enough to have a presentation by the entrepreneurs who started up the business Space Zab. They shared the effects of gravity in space and how we can recreate this on Earth, including some fantastic designs of rockets, habitats and rovers, some of which were even made using a 3D printer! Students were also made aware of a range of space careers, including astronauts, space doctors, space engineers, and nutritionists, who have all contributed to the developments and technology we have in the space industry today. Space Zab are convinced that we could be living on the Moon or on another planet in the next decade or so, and have definitely opened all of our eyes as to what is out there, and left us in absolute awe of what is yet to become – of which, are generation of students, will definitely be a big part of.