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Year 12 Work Experience

I recently had the opportunity to visit the Thai Const Group’s factory from April 3rd to April 7th. My purpose for this visit was to gain a deeper understanding of engineering on an industrial scale, as I am currently deciding between pursuing a career in economics or chemical engineering.

During my time at the factory, I was fortunate enough to tour five different factories that manufactured various products. However, the metal sheet factory stood out to me the most. I was fascinated by the process of manufacturing metal sheets and observing how they were galvanised with zinc and other metals and chemicals. This experience allowed me to apply the concepts I had learned in my classes to real-world scenarios.

Not only did this experience aid me in making a decision regarding my future career path, but it also gave me a newfound purpose for studying hard in school. Previously, my main motivation for studying was to receive good grades on exams. However, this experience helped me gain a clear sense of direction and a deeper understanding of where I want to go in my career.

After having this experience, I strongly believe that it would be beneficial for all students to witness and experience the real-life applications of their subjects. While exams are important, gaining insight into their future careers may be the motivation students need to reach their goals.