A look back at some of the most memorable moments from the DBS Prize Day where we celebrated the achievements of our students.
Mini Dragon children performed brilliantly in their Graduation Ceremony, making parents and teachers alike so proud! We wish them all the very best of luck as they continue their learning journey in EY1.
Students in EY1 to Year 11 have been recognised for their qualities and attributes that they have demonstrated this year. They have been resilient and responsible, and displayed incredible determination and commitment to their learning both online and in school in this past year. They have all made remarkable progress and we are all very proud of what they have achieved. We hope our students will take inspiration from their achievements and push themselves further next year, embodying the DBS motto of ‘Semper ad maiora’, or ‘Always to greater things’. Congratulations to everyone.
#DBSPrizeDay #DBS #NurturingGreatGlobalLeaders