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The Mono Vampires Basketball

Some of our Basketball players went to see the Mono Vampires at stadium 29 which turned out to be a thrilling game and went into overtime. The Vampires started slowly and were losing 22-5 within the first 7 minutes. During the intervals, our students were made famous by the mono29 tv channel and were caught on camera dancing and cheering the team on, some of the students won prizes such as Freddie who won a Mono Vampires cap and Korn a Mono Vampires towel. Additionally, DBS students found a new friend in the monovampires mascot who had great energy and kept the supporters motivated. The vampires took back control of the game and was comfortably leading when the Dragons scored 5 points in a row to level the game with 0.2 seconds to play taking the match into overtime. Students continued to cheer on the vampires and they went on to win 94-91. A great experience to watch professional basketball players close to home, this experience will aspire our students to play basketball at the highest level. Thank you to parents who had to wait an extra 20 minutes because of the game going into overtime, staff who took time out of their evening to help with the organisation of the event and well done to the students who represented DBS superbly.