The Covid-19 pandemic can be stressful at times, and children need to be aware of the situation and learn how to manage themselves in a positive way.
The Worry Monster is a child-friendly and fun tool designed for children to discuss worrisome matters in a positive way; hence, to reduce their worries. At DBS, children have learned to be resilient at such a young age, but all the while having fun using positive and safe solutions to deal with any situation.
During the distance learning, students used their creativity from the start by creating their own Worry Monster from recycled materials around their homes. Once the monster was done, they wrote their worries into a piece of paper, discussed their worries with adults, and had their monster eat it away.
Yes, it’s a symbolic gesture, but works incredibly well among young children (and adults alike!). We need not to escape from worries, rather, we face it, deal with it, and move on!