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World Maths Day Activities

The students of DBS, have fully immersed themselves in the enjoyment for learning Maths, to celebrate World Maths Day. Kick-started by an assembly, the Year 8 students enlightened the rest of Prep with reenactments of the multitude of careers available that involve Mathematics. These jobs range from fashion designing to aeronautical engineering, from forensic science to game design.

As the day progressed, we saw all of the students taking part in organised events in and around their classrooms. Students from Year 2 took their learning into the Year 1 classes; sharing their knowledge through Kahoot quizzes. Years 3 and 4 students embarked upon a journey of ‘Time’ – enjoying a carousel of exciting activities based on the learning of time. In Years 5 to 9, the learning became rather intense as the students were involved in solving a murder mystery case and supermarket scandel.

All the students had a fantastic day of Maths learning and engagement – a reflection of the dedication and passion for learning, demonstrated by all the teachers at DBS.