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What is it like to grow old? DBS students interview the older generation in their Global Perspective class.

In their Global Perspectives class, Y1 students have been learning about the differences between people being young and old. During the week, students were joined by special guests from around the world, who are all above 60 years of age. Our guests were from around the world, including the UK, South Africa, the Philippines and Thailand, sharing some of their life’s highlights, as well as the advantages of getting older.

Our guests were amused by the students’ innocence during the online interview. Sincere questions from our students, such as, ‘Are your teeth falling out?’, ‘why do we grow up so fast?’ and ‘how do you keep yourself healthy?’ were asked, prompting adults to seek answers that could best explain simple life routines to them.


Our students learning focus has been on research, specifically how to gather information through questioning. Each of the children had prepared a question to ask before the lesson. The ideas they came up with were very thoughtful, and they sparked some interesting discussions. Our special guests left these lessons remarking on our children’s wonderful manners as well as their impressive English speaking and listening skills.