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Introducing the new Fitness Centre and our experienced instructor

Mr James Hollingsworth is the Sport Equipment Safety Technician and Instructor for our brand new and outstanding ASA Centre here at DBS. With many years experience training in a gym and working as a Personal Trainer back in the UK, he now brings all of this experience and expertise to the students of DBS. 


“Knowing that our students can exercise and use all of our amazing facilities in a safe and controlled manner, whilst seeing improvements to their health, fitness and confidence levels, is the main reason why I love my job.” 

Introducing the new Fitness Centre


The cardio section of our new Fitness Centre will help to improve our student’s health and fitness. With treadmills, bikes and ellipticals to choose from, our students will be able to increase their cardiovascular fitness levels, improve their self-confidence and promote feeling good, among many other benefits.


Our resistance machine area of the Fitness Centre is a great place for students to learn the basic movement patterns that are required for safe and progressive training. With access to our leg press, leg extension and curl, lat pulldown and low row, and our multi-press machines, our students will be able to learn how to correctly move their whole body. They will also be able to increase their muscle strength and size, improve their weight management, reduce risk of injury and if they play a sport, will improve their sporting performance.


The free weights section of the Fitness Centre can be used to further increase our students’ learning of the movement patterns, without the added support of the resistance machines. Free weights force our bodies to use our muscles in a way that stabilises the movement. This helps us to build strength, power and coordination in one motion which contributes to a stronger body and mind. Free weights are very versatile and can be used for many different movements and exercises, so our students can challenge themselves every time they use our new Fitness Centre.


“Whatever goals our students may have within our ASA Centre, my team will be there to help further their development with the use of our amazing facilities.” Mr Hollingsworth added.